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Read more about Vaccinations

Free flu vaccination for certain people between October 1 and January 15

Private Influenza vaccination. Price 250 kr.

Prices of vaccinations

Note: There is a vaccination fee of 300 kr.

Travel consultation per person (if more than one, then per subsequent person DKK 100.00) DKK 500

DTaP boost (diphtheria/ tetanus) kr. See price list

Influenza < 65 år kr. Se prisliste

Meningitis ACWY kr. 700

Pneumococcal on prescription

Zostavax kr. 1450

Varicella (Chickenpox) DKK 700

MFR < 12 mdr. kr. 175

Travel vaccinations

Enerix (Hepatitis B) - Adult DKK 350

Enerix (Hepatitis B) - Children kr. 300

Havrix (Hepatitis A) - Adult DKK 450

Havrix (Hepatitis B) - Children kr. 350

Twinrix (Hepatitis A+B) - Adult DKK 850

Twinrix (Hepatitis A+B) - Children kr. 700

Yellow fever kr. 600

Japanese encephalitis kr. 1000

Cholera and rotavirus - On prescription

TBE (Central European encephalitis) DKK 500

Rabies kr. 750

Typhoid fever kr. 400

Pick up vaccines at the pharmacy

Most of the mentioned vaccines will be ordered to the pharmacy. The patient must collect the vaccines themselves and pay for them at the pharmacy.

Influenza vaccination

The vaccination is free of charge:

  • Persons who are 65 years of age or older at the time of vaccination.
  • Early retirees.
  • Chronic patients with the following conditions, according to medical assessment:- Chronic lung diseases
    • Cardiovascular diseases (except isolated hypertension).
    • diabetes 1 or 2.
    • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency
    • affected respiration due to reduced muscle power.
    • chronic liver and kidney failure.other chronic diseases where, according to the doctor's assessment, the condition means that influenza poses a serious health risk.
  • Severely obese (BMI > 40) after medical assessment.
  • People with other serious illnesses where, according to the doctor's assessment, the condition means that influenza poses a serious health risk.
  • Pregnant women in their 2nd and 3rd trimester from November 1 to February 28
  • Household contacts of severely immunosuppressed patients (congenital or acquired immunodeficiency) according to medical judgment.

Pneumococcal vaccination

The pneumococcal 23 valent vaccination is free for:

  • All persons over the age of 65.
  • Residents of nursing homes, tenants in nursing home buildings covered by the Act on Public Housing etc. or the Act on Housing for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities, tenants and residents in independent care housing covered by the Act on Independent Care Housing, and tenants in similar housing units.

People with:

  • lack or dysfunction of the spleen
  • affected respiration due to decreased muscle power
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency
  • liquor leakage
  • Previous invasive pneumococcal disease
  • Cochlear implantation
  • performed stem cell transplantation
  • performed organ transplantation
  • Persons under 18 years of age with:
    • Cyanotic heart disease
    • heart failure
    • Palliative surgery for heart disease
    • hemodynamically significant residua after heart surgery
    • chronic lung disease (e.g. cystic fibrosis)
    • hypodynamic respiratory failure
    • nephrotic syndrome
    • Immunodeficiencies, excluding agammaglobulinemia and SCID
  • Individuals with other serious illnesses where, according to the doctor's assessment, they are at particularly high risk of invasive pneumococcal disease

What is pneumococcus?

Pneumococci are a group of bacteria that can cause serious illness in certain cases. The most common diseases caused by pneumococci are acute otitis media, sinusitis and pneumonia, which usually cause no permanent damage. But for some, pneumonia can be serious. If you are infected with pneumococcus and the bacteria spread to the bloodstream, the disease can become life-threatening and cause blood poisoning (sepsis) and/or meningitis.